Home page PROGRAM ABSTRACTS REGISTRATION KEY DATES September 18RegistrationEarly Bird DeadlineRegister at the lowest fees!December 12Abstract Submission Deadline for Oral PresentationSubmit your abstract and showcase your work at the ESG CongressDecember 17RegistrationRegular Registration DeadlineDon't miss to register before fees increase!January 20AbstractSubmission deadline for PosterSubmit your abstract and present your poster at the ESG Congress Scientific Program Highlights 19 Mar Hot flushes: it´s all in your head! 15:30-17:00 Opening Symposium Hot flushes: it´s all in your head! Nick Panay Origin and impact of VMS: the enigma unravelled! Petra Stute Hot flushes: Insight into daily challenges and coping strategiesKatrine Schaudig Hot flushes: individualized treatment 19 Mar OPENING CEREMONY 17:15-18:00 Opening Ceremony OPENING CEREMONY Andrea Genazzani Opening RemarksMinister of Health of the Republic of Latvia Hon. Hosams Abu Meri Opening of the CongressDavid Serfaty In memoriam of Professor Clara Pélissier-Langbort 19 Mar Premature Ovarian Insufficiency 18:00-18:30 Opening Lecture Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Nick Panay Updated ESHRE POI guidelines: a global collaboration 19 Mar POSTER SESSION 18:30-20:00 Poster Session POSTER SESSION 20 Mar Pelvic organs prolapse 08:30-09:30 Clinical Corner Pelvic organs prolapse Tommaso Simoncini Pelvic organs prolapse 20 Mar MANAGEMENT OF MENOPAUSAL SYMPTOMS - PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE 09:45-11:15 Symposium MANAGEMENT OF MENOPAUSAL SYMPTOMS - PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE Nick Panay New perspectives for management of menopausal symptoms - NK antagonistsRossella Nappi Incidence and impact of menopausal symptoms on quality of life and long-term healthTommaso Simoncini Current management options for menopausal symptoms 20 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 20 Mar HCC: a novel solution to treat vulvar vestibule in case of vaginal atrophy 11:45-12:45 Meet the Expert HCC: a novel solution to treat vulvar vestibule in case of vaginal atrophy Joaquim Calaf Alsina Menopause and vaginal atrophy: challenges, impact, and current solutionsElisabetta Garavaglia A new frontier in VVA treatment: science and benefits of HCCChiara Stefani From theory to practice: clinical insights and real-world applicationsJoaquim Calaf Alsina Empowering women’s health through innovation Q&A 20 Mar New insights for prescribing oral contraception to first-time users 13:00-15:00 Lunch Panel New insights for prescribing oral contraception to first-time users Terhi Piltonen PanelistAngelica Lindén Hirschberg PanelistJonathan Douxfils Panelist 20 Mar Challenging patients in ART 15:15-16:45 Symposium Challenging patients in ART Pedro Barri Importance of the endometrial preparation for FET for the risk of preeclampsiaMauro Cozzolino The importance of the LPS in endometriosis and adenomyosisMichael Von Wolff Indication for or against fertility preservation 20 Mar Coffee Break 16:45-17:15 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Art: Problems And Solutions 17:15-18:45 Symposium Art: Problems And Solutions Rimantas Gricius The effect of endometrial scratching on biomarkers of endometrial receptivity in IVF cycle Raminta Baušytė Perspective in endometrial – factor induced infertility: stem cell therapy Johannes Ott Oocyte donation in women with Turner syndrome: what are the risks Joseph Schenker Gonadal failure: synthetic gametes future therapeutic modalities 20 Mar Could uterine fibroids still present a challenge for gynaecologists? 08:30-09:30 Symposium by Scientific Society Could uterine fibroids still present a challenge for gynaecologists? Olga Plisko The Current Diagnostic Criteria for Uterine FibroidsDace Matule A review of the current medical treatment options for uterine fibroidsRonalds Mačuks Surgical Treatment of Uterine fibroids: Advantages and risks 20 Mar Adenomyosis and Endometriosis: Individualization of therapies 09:45-11:15 Symposium Adenomyosis and Endometriosis: Individualization of therapies Ludwig Kiesel Novel aspects on the pathomechanisms of adenomyosis and endometriosis Stefano Luisi Medical treatment for adenomyosis and endometriosis Stefano Angioni Surgery for deep endometriosis when and how Tevfik Yoldemir ART outcomes in women with endometriosis 20 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Obesity 11:45-12:45 Meet the expert Obesity Andrzej Milewicz Obesity and menopause Tommaso Simoncini A matter of hormones: how to address endometrial cancer risk in obese patients 20 Mar Menopause 15:15-16:45 Symposium Menopause Mark Brincat Tailored HRT using bodyidential hormones: improving the results and lowering the risksNathalie Chabbert-Buffet Endometriosis in the peri/post menopause Angelica Lindén Hirschberg Breast and endometrial safety of natural progesterone compared to progestogen in menopausal hormone therapy Andrea Genazzani Androgens supplementation for a better menopause hormone therapy 20 Mar Coffee Break 16:45-17:15 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Women Aging Risks 17:15-18:45 Symposium Women Aging Risks John Stevenson The impact of HRT on cardiovascular riskJean-Yves Reginster An overview of 40 years of progress in the management of osteoporosis: where do we come from, where are we and where are we going to?Eef Hogervorst The national guidelines on MHT for prevention of dementia stroke Franco Borruto New strategies for oncological prophylaxis in women: the microbiota 20 Mar Paediatric and gdolescent gynaecology: case studies and literature review 08:30-09:30 Symposium by Scientific Society Paediatric and gdolescent gynaecology: case studies and literature review Žana Bumbulienė Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor in adolescent girlLaima Maleckienė Large uterine leiomyoma in a 15-year-old girlKristina Jarienė Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome: case reports 20 Mar PLACENTA ACCRETA SPECTRUM (PAS) AND SPECIAL LECTURE ON NIPT 09:45-11:15 Symposium PLACENTA ACCRETA SPECTRUM (PAS) AND SPECIAL LECTURE ON NIPT Pavel Calda First trimester ultrasound diagnostics of PAS Frédéric Chantraine How to make the prenatal assessment for PAS at best? Natalija Vedmedovska Vasa praevia: where are we now?Wolfgang Holzgreve Update on Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) 20 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Experts Panel: Fertility Preservation 11:45-12:45 Meet the expert Experts Panel: Fertility Preservation Ana Teresa Almeida Santos Social fertility preservation: preventing or promoting the postponement of motherhood?Ana Filipa Ferreira Social fertility preservation: preventing or promoting the postponement of motherhood? 20 Mar Gynecological Oncology 15:15-16:45 Symposium Gynecological Oncology Jana Žodžika Cervical cancer screening: quo vadis?Andrea Giannini From molecular classification to clinical practice in endometrial cancer: what's new?Vilius Rudaitis Do we really need robotics in oncogynecology?Stefanos Zervoudis Updates in breast cancer oncoplastic surgery 20 Mar Coffee Break 16:45-17:15 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Cronic Stress, Hypotalamic Function And Metabolic Risk 17:15-18:45 Symposium Cronic Stress, Hypotalamic Function And Metabolic Risk Blazej Meczekalski Neurokinin B and Kisspeptin in gynecological endocrinology Alessandro Genazzani Integrative approach to Functional Hypothalamic AmenorrheaTetiana Tatarchuk The influence of prolonged stress on the clinical course metabolic risks of PCOSKatarzyna Paczkowska Novel approach to early detection and treatment of metabolic disturbances in polycystic ovary syndrome 20 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Coffee Break 16:45-17:15 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Coffee Break 16:45-17:15 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Сontinuing the Exploration of PCOS 08:30-09:30 Symposium by Scientific Society Сontinuing the Exploration of PCOS Kateryna Plaksiieva PCOS: where are we now and where do we go next?Tetiana Tutchenko Current epidemiology of PCOS and emerging approaches to phenotypingNatalia Pedachenko PCOS in clinical portraitsElina Manzhalii-Christian Impact of liver function on the clinical presentation of PCOS 20 Mar Adolescence, PCOS, gynecological Endocrinology, AUB 09:45-11:15 Oral Presentation Adolescence, PCOS, gynecological Endocrinology, AUB Florin Isopescu Contributions to the study of menarcheal age in Bacau county RomaniaPetra Stute Reaching out to patients: real-world evidence underscores lack of awareness and diagnosis for primary dysmenorrhea but not premenstrual syndrome (PMS)Haluk Kelestimur The Effects of Asprosin on Metabolic and Reproductive Hormonal Factors in the RatsElisabed Pkhaladze Impact of Weight on Hormonal and Metabolic Patterns in Classic Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Across Age GroupsTetiana Tutchenko A Case Series of Secondary Amenorrhea in Lean PCOS Women. To the question of Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Development in PCOSJoaquim Calaf Alsina THE ADD-BACK CONCEPT REVISITEDOlha Trokhymovych Menstrual cycle disorders and hormonal homeostasis in women with adenomyosis and uterine leiomyoma who were exposed to factors of military aggression.Joaquim Calaf Alsina A SEQUENTIAL APPROACH TO FIBROID MANAGEMENT WITH ORAL GnRH ANTAGONISTS.Geet Sarodey Endometrial cancer in Hormone replacement therapy users with postmenopausal bleeding: Retrospective cohort studyMohamed Abdelrahman Intrauterine Balloon Tamponade for management of life threatening menorrhagia. 20 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Labour and delivery 11:45-12:45 Oral Presentation Labour and delivery Beatrise Dinsberga Retrospective study of birth outcome and birth complications in patients with increased BMI in a Riga Hospital Labor department, 2023.Beate Vitola Retrospective study of birth outcome and complications in patients with induced labour in a single hospital in Riga 2023Zane Krastiņa Cesarean Section rate in Robson groups as quality measure of evidence based obstetrical care in Latvia and single reference level hospital in Latvia in six years period.Gabija Žilinskienė Pregnancy and Labour in a Primary Early-Onset Dystonia Patient Treated with Deep Brain Stimulation of Globus Pallidus Internus: A Case Report and Literature Review 20 Mar Obstetrics 15:15-16:45 Oral Presentation Obstetrics Anita Yadav Enhancing maternal healthcare: utilization and barriers of Anganwadi services among pregnant and lactating women in rural IndiaEbru Yücel The Impact of Turkish Bath Habits on Pregnancy Outcomes: A Retrospective Analysis of 214 Pregnant WomenMenbere Abadii Exploring Digital mHealth Tools in Preconception Care for Individuals at Risk for Feto-Maternal Complications: An Integrative ReviewDanielė Berulė The Impact of Maternal Weight on Pregnancy Complications among Primiparous Women: A Retrospective Study from a Tertiary Care CenterIlir Tasha Confined placental mosaicism and maternal mosaicism can be underlying biological causes of discordant results of Non – invasive procedure testing during screening of pregnancy for chromosomal abnormalities.Eliona Demaliaj Preeclampsia and Neonatal Outcomes in Albania: A Retrospective AnalysisPaulina Stalgyte Maternal mirror syndrome with fetal hydrops due to parvovirus infectionDaniela Tasha UREAPLASMA UREALYTICUM AND MYCOPLASMA HOMINIS INFECTION AMONG PREGNANT WOMENAgate Kalcenaua Enhancing the Monitoring and Management of Gestational Diabetes through Digital Health SolutionsTomasz Milewicz Intestinal microbiota differs in gestational diabetes women.Elina Priede Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Care: Uncovering Gaps in Screening and Postpartum Follow-Up 20 Mar Coffee Break 16:45-17:15 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Endometriosis, adenomiosis, fibroma 17:15-18:45 Oral Presentation Endometriosis, adenomiosis, fibroma Jean Bouquet De Joliniere Novel Insights into the Aetiopathogenesis, Classification and Management of EndometriosisRoxana Schwab Mental Health in Adversity: Psychological challenges in women with endometriosis during the COVID-19 pandemicMohamed Abdelrahman Management of Bronchial endometriosisCristina Maria Iacob EXTRAPELVIC ENDOMETRIOSIS. MINIMALLY INVASIVE MANAGEMENT OF INGUINAL ENDOMETRIOSIS-VIDEO PRESENTATIONVera Kovacevic Laser treatman of endometrioma:Comparison two different sources of energy to achieve haemostasis after laparoscpic surgery of endometrioma / a diode laser (DWLS) vs bipolar electrocoagulation.Pawel Basta Linzagolix effectively reduces endometriosis-associated pain versus placebo: Results from the phase 3 EDELWEISS-3 trialTomasz Paszkowski Linzagolix rapidly reduces Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in patients with uterine fibroids: A pooled analysis of the PRIMROSE 1 and 2 trialsPawel Basta EDELWEISS-6: A long-term extension study of linzagolix for the management of endometriosis-associated painTomasz Paszkowski Linzagolix for the treatment of uterine fibroids: Efficacy and safety results at one-year and up to 6 months following cessation of treatmentJarbas Magalhaes ADENOMYOSIS: Uterine volume, bleeding patterns, and contraceptive outcomes in users of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system: a real-life cohort study with a five-year follow-up. 20 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 20 Mar Coffee Break 16:45-17:15 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis 08:30-09:30 Clinical Corner Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Pedro Barri Update on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. From PGT-A to PGT-M and to non-invasive testing 21 Mar Sexuality: When And How To Talk About 09:45-11:15 Symposium Sexuality: When And How To Talk About Manuela Farris The new generation Z gender identity and sexuality Camil Castelo-Branco Tips & tricks for talking about sexuality Rossella Nappi Reproductive milestones and women’s sexuality Marie Abel Asking your patients about sex: opening Pandora's boxSvetlana Vujovic Successful sexuality in premature ovarian insufficiency: new approach 21 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 21 Mar What does the future hold for endometriosis treatment? 11:45-12:45 Meet the Expert What does the future hold for endometriosis treatment? Andrew Horne The past, present and future of medical treatment of endometriosis Mariona Rius How do we use GnRH-antagonist combination therapy in everyday clinical practice 21 Mar Strategies in Pregnancy Maintenance 13:00-15:00 Lunch Symposium Strategies in Pregnancy Maintenance Arri Coomarasamy Pathophysiology of miscarriage: current understanding and prevention Pedro Melo Mechanisms, prediction and prevention of preeclampsia Angharad Care Current evidence in the prevention of preterm birth 21 Mar Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Art: Individualization Of Treatments 15:30-17:00 Symposium Art: Individualization Of Treatments Panagiotis Drakopoulos The role of androgens as pre-treatment in IVFRaoul Orvieto Triggering final follicular maturation- hCG, GnRH-agonist or both, when and to whom?Filippo Ubaldi Dual Stimulation, to whom and when 21 Mar Estrogen decline and its effect on hot flushes, mood and vaginal atrophy - The science, the DT56A and our ability to treat women 17:05-17:35 Key Lecture Estrogen decline and its effect on hot flushes, mood and vaginal atrophy - The science, the DT56A and our ability to treat women Andrea Genazzani Estrogen decline and its effect on hot flushes, mood and vaginal atrophy - The science, the DT56A and our ability to treat women 21 Mar Do sexual and reproductive health and rights initiatives really work? The case of Estonia 08:30-09:30 Symposium by Scientific Society Do sexual and reproductive health and rights initiatives really work? The case of Estonia Kai Haldre Impact of rapid socio-economic changes on sexual and reproductive health in Estonia in the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuryMairi Kaha Implementation of sexuality education and youth counselling services in EstoniaOlga Khrustaleva Spectrum of simulation trainings in obstetrics and gynaecology in West Tallinn Central Hospital 21 Mar Contraception 09:45-11:15 Symposium Contraception Ali Kubba Contraceptive compliance: do not blame the women! Ineta Vasaraudze The various applications of hormonal intrauterine contraception in modern timesDavid Serfaty New vision on bacterial vaginosis: prevalence in IUD usersKristina Gemzell-Danielsson An update on emergency contraception 21 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Breast Cancer 11:45-12:45 Meet the expert Breast Cancer Alfred Mueck Membrane-bound steroid receptors as markers to predict breast cancer risk during HRTXiangyan Ruan Development of new tumour markers to predict the prognosis of breast cancer patients 21 Mar Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Empowering women's health with natural solutions: an innovative perspective 15:30-17:00 Symposium Empowering women's health with natural solutions: an innovative perspective Birutė Žilaitienė The great debate: pharmaceuticals or food supplements?Mihaela Grigore The great debate: pharmaceuticals or food supplements?Mihaela Grigore The HPV dilemma: myths, facts, and controversiesBelén López Cavanillas Paloma II: data unveiled - Insights from the latest studyBelén López Cavanillas Case studies uncovered: lessons from the frontlines Q&AAnna Mallafré Vilar Beyond metformin: Myo-Inositol to D-Chiro-Inositol ratios for fertility support. Does a golden ratio exist?Anna Mallafré Vilar Clinical case spotlight: learning from experience Q&A 21 Mar 5 years of independence of Reproductology as a medical discipline 17:05-17:35 Key Lecture 5 years of independence of Reproductology as a medical discipline Archil Khomasuridze Reproductology as the Independent Medical Discipline. The Georgian Experience 21 Mar 17:45-18:45 ESG General Assembly 21 Mar Diagnostic and management challenges of abnormal uterine bleeding in different ages of a woman 08:30-09:30 Symposium by Scientific Society Diagnostic and management challenges of abnormal uterine bleeding in different ages of a woman Charles Sultan Abnormal uterine bleeding during adolescenceNatalia Pedachenko Abnormal uterine bleeding due to ovulatory dysfunction (AUB-O)Ali Kubba Management of abnormal uterine bleeding in complex patients 21 Mar Updates In Gynecological Surgery 09:45-11:15 Symposium Updates In Gynecological Surgery Angelos Daniilidis Tubal surgery in the era of ART Michelle Nisolle Anticipation and management of surgical complications of endometriosis Tommaso Simoncini Reinventing vaginal surgery: the vNOTES revolutionTomi Mikkola Tapes or bulking for stress urinary incontinence? 21 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Sexuality 11:45-12:45 Oral Presentation Sexuality Peter Greenhouse Specific positional deep dyspareunia pattern aids clinical diagnosis of endometriosisStefan Ückert Prevalence of Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction in a Cohort of Young Female StudentsAndreas Bannowsky What are the expectations of the female partners of the patients on penile rehabilitation programs after nerve-sparing prostatectomy?Gina Vich ADJUVANT TREATMENT WITH A NON-HORMONAL CENTELLA ASIATICA, HYALURONIC ACID AND PREBIOTIC-BASED VAGINAL GEL IN WOMEN WITH RECURRENT VAGINAL DYSBIOSIS: CASE SERIESAngelos Daniilidis 10-step-approach of laparoscopic pectopexy combined with supracervical hysterectomy. 21 Mar Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 15:30-17:00 Symposium Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Terhi Piltonen Is PCOS still “a mystery syndrome”, what is the awareness of the condition?Bart Fauser Ongoing challenges in diagnostic criteria for PCOS, why is it relevant?Lāsma Līdaka Adolescents with PCOS: important aspects of mental healthBasil Tarlatzis Treatment of infertility in women with PCOS: an evidence-based approach 21 Mar OPTIMIZE HUMAN EMBRYO CULTURE TO IMPROVE SINGLE BLASTOCYST TRANSFER IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TREATMENTS 17:05-17:35 Key Lecture OPTIMIZE HUMAN EMBRYO CULTURE TO IMPROVE SINGLE BLASTOCYST TRANSFER IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TREATMENTS Romualdo Sciorio Optimize euman embryo culture to improve single blastocyst transfer in assisted reproductive treatments 21 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Breast and Menopause 08:30-09:30 Symposium by Scientific Society Breast and Menopause Valérie Bernard Non hormonal treatments of vasomotor symptomsChristine Rousset-Jablonski Genito-urinary syndrome of menopause management in breast cancer survivorsNathalie Chabbert-Buffet Breast arterial calcifications as a cardiovascular risk? 21 Mar Menopause 09:45-11:15 Oral Presentation Menopause Carina Dinkel-Keuthage Associations between Vasomotor Symptoms, Sleep Disturbances, and Frequent Mood Changes in Menopausal Women: Analysis of Data from the Study of Women's Health Across the NationRossella Nappi Qualitative assessment of the impact of VMS on the lives of women with vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause who are not suitable candidates for hormone therapyLydia Marié-Scemama How the gynecologist is involved with the prevention of the disease coming in perimenopausal and menopausal womenPaul CM Piette Clinical meaningful evidence to Monitor and optimize transdermal MHTCeline Bouchard Estetrol (E4) Provides Complete Relief from Vasomotor Symptoms in One-Third of Participants in the E4COMFORT I Phase 3 Clinical TrialGina Opolskiene The changes in endometrial thickness in women who use sequential menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT)Christian Battipaglia Effects of MYO-inositol (MYO) and Banaba extract standardized to 1% corosolic acid (BNB) supplementation on HOMA-IR and HIE (Hepatic Insulin Extraction) in Overweight/Obese Postmenopausal WomenGeet Sarodey Menopause and the role of regular exercise – a survey of women aged 40–65Katrina Elina Berzina Latvian Cheeses an Important Source of Calcium for the Prevention and Treatment for Premenopausal and Menopausal WomanŠtefica Findri-Guštek Acupuncture and herbal medicinal products in the treatment of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms in women 21 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Infertility, fertility preservation, ethics 15:30-17:00 Oral Presentation Infertility, fertility preservation, ethics Anna Mallafré Vilar Supplementation with 3.6:1 Myo-Inositol/D-Chiro-Inositol, Antioxidants and Probiotics to Improve Oocyte Quality and Increase Pregnancy Chances in Women with History of ART Failures without PCOSAnna Mallafré Vilar Treatment with a patented 3.6:1 Myo-Inositol/D-Chiro-Inositol, Antioxidants and Probiotics to Increase Pregnancy Chances in Women with Advanced Maternal Age and Low Ovarian ReserveJan Greguš Antinatalism and Intended InfertilityAttila Jakab Prevalence and impact of female endocrine disorders in assisted reproductionVioleta Fodina Follicular fluid oxidative-reductive potential – the marker for assisted reproductive treatment outcomes.Filipe Alexandre Rodrigues Nobrega Is the Number of Follicles on the Day of hCG Trigger Related to the Pregnancy Rate in Intrauterine Insemination?Nina Davidova The value of Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor in the prognosis of Early Pregnancy LossNatalia Kosei A NEW IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL MARKER IN THE CHRONIC ENDOMETRITIS DIAGNOSISAfifa Sellami Ferroptosis : a new potential therapeutic target for human infertilityNino Museridze The triad Stem cell, Exosomes and PRP therapy Male and Female Fertility prof. Nino Museridze MD PhD 21 Mar Coffee Break 11:15-11:45 break Coffee Break 21 Mar Coffee Break 15:00-15:30 break Coffee Break Discover more The Congress will be held in Riga, a surprising destination with its colorful city center rich in history and art. The old town itself has a protected status, featuring buildings dating back to the city’s founding in 1201, along with an unparalleled art nouveau neighborhood. PHOTO CURTESY OF LIVE RIGA https://www.liveriga.com/en/ TRANSLATIONSCongress sessions will be translated into several languages to accommodate our diverse audience.Enjoy seamless real-time translation during presentations, ensuring you don’t miss any critical information. learn more ACCOMMODATIONSThe 16 Congress of the European Society of Gynecology has chosen Revolugo as official travel agency partner. Check our solutions in guaranteed hotels at very convenient prices. book now GENERAL INFOGet ready for the congress! Click below for all the crucial info and contact details you’ll need.Don’t miss out—prepare to make the most of your experience! learn more Scientific and organizing committee of the congress President Andrea GenazzaniRome Members Camil Castelo BrancoBarcelona Mark BrincatMalta Zana BumbulieneVilnius Mairi KahaTallinn Andrzej MilewiczWrocław Michelle NisolleLiège David SerfatyParis Tommaso SimonciniPisa Ineta VasaraudzeRiga Register now